Tuesday, April 24

Load of balls

Brett, dear of him is, how shall I put this, lacking in the dangly bits area. I understand the need for this in a guide dog as the more chilled the dog the better. You don't want to be dragged across the street into the path of a car just because your dog is chasing that sexy bitch on the other side. But there is still a part of me that feels sorry for him, this is probably due to being male and having a particularly strong attachment to such things, literaly.
Even so, I don't think I would go down this route;

proudly offer to insert prostetic testicles in your pets. They come in a variety of sizes and firmnesses, great if you want to create the dog equivilent of Jordan. I can just imagine Brett now, proudly strutting past other guide dogs flicking his head back towards his swinging melons, as if to say check these out guys.

Track of the day = AC/DC - Big Balls

1 comment:

Amber said...

I think you're depriving poor brett of a fulfilled life.

How can he possibly feel like a real man without any balls?