Monday, April 23

Kids, what do they know?

Poor old Brett. Its a good job he cant hear what is going on around him. Its amazing the ammount of un-educated kids out there when it comes to guide dogs. i suppose that some of it can be put down to living in Cornwall, which can be a fairly sheltered existence. but some of the things i hear them say is odd to say the least. Dont get me wrong, Brett is quite a big dog for his age and breed, but you dont expect to hear "Mummy, look at the big sheepdog". Sometimes they nearly get it right, like the girl who was no more than 8 walking past with her friend. She proudly said in her best know everything voice to her friend "Thats a safety dog that is". I felt like getting Brett a white hard hat and a clipboard for his newly imposed role. Sometimes you hear the parents doing their best to inform the children of what we are all about. This is usually "He's a special dog", I often wish I could tell the kids that he's so special, he can even lick his own penis...

Track of the day = Robbie and Kylie - Kids

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