Friday, April 27

blind drunk

being a few sheets to the wind and in charge of a guide dog isnt recommended. i wasnt drunk, just not at full concentration you see. this might have something to do with the fact that i was stood staring quizically at a set of traffic lights wondering who had dropped them into my previously light free route home. i was about to get out my whizzy new phone that has personal sat-nav built in, to locate my position, when i heard the tap of footsteps. knowing where i live, this could have been anybody from a prostitute to a, well, drunk prostitue. luckily it was a very helpfull gentleman and he helped orientate me, then proceeded to offer to walk the rest opf my route with me. i am pleased to say that i did not get mugged, he didnt try and break into my house, and i didnt have to endure yet another thing being forced into my anus against my will that day.
Brett in all this was excellent as usual, he tried his best, but when working a dog you need to instruct them which direction to take. this would be confusing for him having a drunk rambling away, he probably thought `im going to ignore this idiot and make my own way`. i have wondered what would happen if i was so drunk i couldnt walk. i could either hop on his back and ride him home rodeo fashion, he is big enough after all. or i could grab the harness and lie down and just let him drag my body along next to him, a bit like Indiana jones bouncing along behind a vehicle by his whip.
Note: neither Stuart or Brett endorse drinking, or condone the resulting actions.

Track of the day = Beck - Loser

1 comment:

Amber said...

Were any animals hurt during the making of this journey home?