Saturday, June 16

Guide Dog of the year

Nominations for Guide Dog of the year are gathering pace. Despite Brett being an excelent worker and quite possibly the biggest thing to happen to me since losing my sight, I still feel that he doesn't do anything that out of the ordinary to deserve nomination.
I have been trying to convince my family to moch up a house fire or car crash to allow Brett to heroically drag me away from danger in the nick of time. This should secure him the top slot, but I can see their point in the whole false glory senario.
Without getting all sappy, It's good enough for me that he is allowing me to live my life the way I used to as much as I can. I am still just a little bitter that he gets the attention from the ladies more than I do! Check out the nominations
proceedure and last years winners below.
Guide Dog of the year nominations via BBC.

Track of the day = Foo Fighters - My Hero

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