This afternoons regular shooting practice was livened up by a little friendly competition between our club and the Police. Representatives from the Police diversity team visited us at the club, among whom were ex firearms officers hoping to put their years of experience to use. After a little intimidation and trash talking from us regulars the event got under way.
Blindfolds were used for the Police, not that sight would have helped them, the rifles used at the club are adapted to use sound to indicate when you are on target. Having no optical scope to look down means the only way to get on the centre of the target is to listen to the subtle pitch changes in your headphones based on the amount of light reflected off the black and white targets. Scoring was out of 100 points per shooter, based on 2 targets with 5 shots on each with a max 10 points per shot. Give them their due, the guys from the Police did really well considering the lack of practice, they were turning in scores in the high 80s and early 90s. Our guys were on the ball however with our best shots returning consistent 90 plus scores. We all got the chance to have 3 goes each and for my first 2 attempts I got 97 and 96, My 3rd go was after we had stuffed ourselves with food and cake. This must have done the trick as I laid to rest any doubts as to who was going to win with my score of a maximum 100. The smackdown had been well and truely served, with an overall win of 34 points to our club over the Feds.
Track of the day = Jon Bon Jovi - Blaze of Glory
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