Tuesday, May 29

No Deal!

You know that game of skill and strategy second only to chess? Thats right, its Deal or no Deal, and some other cheeky blind git has taken my place on it.
Admittedly I was never offered a place on the show, but I did apply but never heard back. At the time I didn't have Brett so they may have chosen this bloke and his dog because of this. I'm not bitter at all, I wish the guy the best of luck... in finding the 1p!
I have been told that he has the dog in harness during the show, I don't think this is particularly fair on the dog, I guess they did this for visual purposes. I suppose that we will have to hold out for Big Brother for our foray into television, "Would Brett pleawse come to the diary room"...

Track of the day = Living in a box - Living in a box

1 comment:

Amber said...

Would Brett be a housemate in his own right?